Some fragments of Spanish music played by the pianist Pilar Bayona. Spectrographic analysis of its interpretation




Spectrogram, musical performance, piano performance, experimental teaching, Spanish music


Pilar Bayona, one of the foremost Spanish pianists of the twentieth century, has been the baseline of this study as her figure has hitherto not been studied from the technical and interpretive perspective. Their interpretations of Spanish music were particularly interesting. The aim of this work is to analyse some of recorded fragments from this musical style she has left. To undertake this task I use my own work methodology that allows to make objective assessments of her individual performance using sound spectrograms, pictures and other graphs derived from them.


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How to Cite

Lorenzo Gracia, R. (2017). Some fragments of Spanish music played by the pianist Pilar Bayona. Spectrographic analysis of its interpretation. Anuario Musical, (72), 233–258.


