Proportions, Allegories and Angels Musicians of the Twin Organs at the Cathedral of Mexico


  • José Antonio Guzmán Bravo Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



Twin organs, Catedral Metropolitana of Mexico, Nassarre, organ building of New Spain, HIP


An aesthetic analysis of the twin organs of Cathedral of Mexico. Correspondence between Pythagorean and Baroque arithmetical, musical and architectural proportions. The phonic composition of the acoustic altarpiece. The bodies of façade flutes, the internal echoes, ship flutes and horizontal trumpet. The sonorous expression of the streets, platforms, cornices and windows of the boxes of cedar and ayacahuite of the organs. The golden and ruddy angels on mute instruments. Organological iconography. Prehispanic instruments, classical Greco-Roman, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque; an encyclopedic display. Current disposition of records. Designs of both facades. The original composition of the tubes. Light and color result. Restoration of the original brightness and the painted figures in the mouths of the flute façade. Documents in which all restoration must be supported; maintenance and care. Preservation and promotion of the Cathedral’s musical archive. Social function and cultural when restoring a patrimonial instrument. Liturgical and academic use to preserve and promote organ culture. The instrument as a source of research; The Historically Informed Performance (HIP).


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How to Cite

Guzmán Bravo, J. A. (2016). Proportions, Allegories and Angels Musicians of the Twin Organs at the Cathedral of Mexico. Anuario Musical, (71), 101–122.


