Reception of Cristóbal de Morales in Valladolid (ca.1530-1550): An opinion, a tablature, an inventory and the manuscript 5 (E-V5)




Reception, Cristóbal de Morales, Manuscrito 5 (E-V5), inventory, Valladolid cathedral, Cristóbal de Villalón, Juan de Valderas, Josquin, Colinius, Anchieta


This paper deals with the reception of Cristóbal de Morales`s music in the vibrant city of Valladolid during the 1530s and 1540s, a period that covers the years before his establishment in Rome (1535) and those immediately after his definitive return to Spain (1545). It is supported by four primary evidences: the assessment of the author by Professor Cristóbal de Villalón, an intabulation, an inventory made in 1547 in the Collegiate Church of Valladolid, and the unique Manuscript 5 (E-V5). A detailed study of this «white book» has made it possible to offer its complete and complex structure, a piece of information which, combined with that provided by the inventory and other documentary sources, allows us to better understand its chronology and functionality. They also allow us to present the person responsible for copying it, an essential mediator in the dissemination of the music of Cristóbal de Morales, at least in the Valladolid Collegiate Church.


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How to Cite

Aguirre Rincón, S. (2023). Reception of Cristóbal de Morales in Valladolid (ca.1530-1550): An opinion, a tablature, an inventory and the manuscript 5 (E-V5). Anuario Musical, (78), 31–57.


