Kircherizers and Trisectors: Athanasius Kircher’s Automatic Composition System in the Spanish Empire




Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680, Musurgia universalis (1650), automatic composition, history of music theory, history of science, history of music, history of mathematics, Puebla, Madrid, networks of influence, circulation of books and ideas


Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680) described in Musurgia universalis (1650) a device for automatic music composition called the Arca musarithmica, and at least three physical implementations of the Arca survive in the UK and the rest of Europe. While Kircher’s general influence on the lettered elite of the Spanish Empire, including Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, has been well established, this article presents the first evidence that anyone in the realms of Spain actually tried to use the Arca. Two manuscript miscellanies —one created in Puebla around 1695 and the other in Madrid around 1785— include abridged versions of the Arca musarithmica. The source from Puebla’s Biblioteca Palafoxiana, I argue, constitutes a partial but functional implementation of the device —a fourth surviving Arca. The collection also opens a window into the preoccupations of Kircher enthusiasts in New Spain: it includes geometrical notes on trisecting the angle alongside accounting records for the Church’s tithe tax (diezmos) and writings on engineering, alchemy, ancient chronology, architecture, and other topics that were seen at the time as aspects of mathematics. But if the Arca in 1690s Puebla furthered a quest for universal knowledge, the Madrid source from a century later reflects an amateur’s bungling effort to make sense of Kircher’s complex system, and suggests that by the end of the eighteenth century the Arca was seen more as a curiosity.


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How to Cite

Cashner, A. A. . (2022). Kircherizers and Trisectors: Athanasius Kircher’s Automatic Composition System in the Spanish Empire. Anuario Musical, (77), 51–75.


