Musica and Scolica Enchiriadis. Towards an Iconic Representation of the Sound Space in Two Carolingian Musical Treatises




Diagram, enchiriadis, notation, quadrivium, didactics, christian liturgical chant, theory, medieval, carolingian, Musica Enchiriadis, Scolica Enquiriadis


This article proposes a diagrammatological analysis of the descriptiones of Musica and Scolica Enchiriadis (c. 850) in the context of the Carolingian theoretical creation of the (written) sound space. The formal status of descriptiones as iconsdiagrams is discussed, as well as the elements and phases of their formalization, the epistemic presuppositions that underly them, and their dependence on quadrivial diagrams of Antiquity. Cognitive use of color in the manuscript transmission, as well as occasional non-diagrammatic iconic representations are also addressed in order to characterize Musica and Scolica Enchiriadis diagrams as specific knowledge devices, oriented by a new visual —but also remarkably performative— didactics of Ars Musica.


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How to Cite

Massa, P. . (2022). Musica and Scolica Enchiriadis. Towards an Iconic Representation of the Sound Space in Two Carolingian Musical Treatises. Anuario Musical, (77), 29–49.


