Offenbach’s in-laws in the context of his opera Pépito: Alcains, Mitchells and the First Carlist War




Offenbach, Alcain, Mitchell, don Carlos, First Carlist War, Pépito, San Sebastian, Elizondo


This article considers the implications of the references to Jacques Offenbach’s relatives by marriage that appear in the libretto of his opéra-comique Pépito, which premiered at the Théâtre des Variétés on 28 October 1853. These references lead to a detailed consideration of these relatives, the Spanish Alcains and the Anglo-French Mitchells, and to a consideration of their and, by extension, Offenbach’s relationship to Spain and to a specific episode in Spanish history, the First Carlist War (1833-1840), a relationship which has been misunderstood by his biographers.


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How to Cite

Sherr, R. . (2021). Offenbach’s in-laws in the context of his opera Pépito: Alcains, Mitchells and the First Carlist War. Anuario Musical, (76), 111–126.


