A Cartography of Touch: Poetics of the Instrument in José Luis Torá (Madrid, 1966)





José Luis Torá (1966-), contemporary music, aesthetics, musical instrument, sounding body, memory, Kaspar Hauser Lied (1993), in der bruchlosen Ferne, dans le crevasse du temps (2001)


This article presents an aesthetic approach to compositional process with the musical instrument developed by the Spanish composer José Luis Torá (Madrid, 1966). In the context of Tora’s personal poetics, the instrument is conceived as a physical, sounding body, always capable of acoustic possibilities that have not been actualised yet. The artist recognizes in the instrument a historical dimension, or ‘memory’, which confers beforehand meaning to instrumental actions. Based on theoretical positions close to those of his former teacher Helmut Lachenmann, (and also influenced by other musical, philosophical and artistic figures), Torá defends the necessity of a critical and reflexive effort in the compositional process in order to bring out new acoustic relations inside the instrument. In the following pages, the philosophical implications of this vision of the instrument are studied and contextualised within Torá’s personal poetics, analysing its traces in musical works such as wq.132 à creux perdu (2017), Kaspar Hauser Lied (1993) and in der bruchlosen Ferne, dans le crevasse du temps (2001).


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How to Cite

Morán Artaiz, A. (2020). A Cartography of Touch: Poetics of the Instrument in José Luis Torá (Madrid, 1966). Anuario Musical, (75), 93–115. https://doi.org/10.3989/anuariomusical.2020.75.05


