‘The Voice of the People, a Song, a Notable Phrase, a Rhyme, Managed to Survive’. The Birth of Musical Aesthetics and the Global Musicological Moment





Enlightenment, global musicological moment, Johann Gottfried Herder, kriti, rāga theory, musical aesthetics, Volkslieder, “Zaid and Zaida”


In this intellectual history of the emergence of modern musical aesthetics globally, I concern myself with the birth of aesthetics as a modern philosophical field and the expansion of music historiography to include the entire world. These global musicological moments are abundantly evident in the earliest writings of Johann Gottfried Herder (1744-1803), who would channel and sustain their confluence throughout his vast body of publications. The title of the essay comes from Herder, specifically from the seminal volumes he called Volkslieder (Folk Songs, 1778/79), in which he connects his foundational writings on aesthetics, the Kritische Wälder (Critical Forests) to the first comprehensive concept of global music aesthetics. The history of Herder reception is itself a critical thread in the intellectual history of musical aesthetics that links the eighteenth to the twenty-first century. I follow this critical thread to eighteenth-century South Asia in search of a foundational modern Indian musical aesthetics, particularly in the South Indian classical genre, kriti, and the vast aesthetic domain of rāga theory, which also took a turn toward the modern at the end of the eighteenth century. The essay concludes by returning to the present with examples of Herder’s aesthetic principles in musical performance in today’s global migration crisis. It is that intellectual history, with the cases from past and present, enlightenments in Europe and South Asia, especially their global dimensions, that shapes the theory of global musicological moments at the heart of this essay.


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How to Cite

Bohlman, P. V. (2020). ‘The Voice of the People, a Song, a Notable Phrase, a Rhyme, Managed to Survive’. The Birth of Musical Aesthetics and the Global Musicological Moment. Anuario Musical, (75), 11–22. https://doi.org/10.3989/anuariomusical.2020.75.02


