Acciones jurídicas en un cabildo catedralicio: Los racioneros en defensa de su posición social frente al maestro de capilla


  • Mª Asunción Gómez Pintor



During one of the most flourishing periods of the Cathedral of Falencia —the end of the 16th century— arises an important dispute about the chapel that will have judicial consequences. The arrival of a new chapelmaster, who claims some special privileges, causes a real revolution in the chapter: the prebendaries feel offended by the mere possibility that the chapelmaster would manage to acquire what he asked for, and therefore organize spectacular protest actions. This ends up in complications which exceed the responsibilities of the chapter. There are continual confrontations between the chapelmaster and the prebendaries and notary proceedings and judicial summons are drawn up. The chapter's intention to avoid a trial as well as the intention of the bishop to prevent that the dispute would reach the Chancery result in efforts to resolve the problem in an amicable way. At some moments the authority of the institutions is called into questions. Only after long-lasting trials and judicial negotiations and after calming down the prebendaries does the chapelmaster achieve to occupy his position in the cathedral.


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How to Cite

Gómez Pintor, M. A. (1997). Acciones jurídicas en un cabildo catedralicio: Los racioneros en defensa de su posición social frente al maestro de capilla. Anuario Musical, (52), 77–99.


