Anselmo Viola (*1738; †1798) and his context. Keyboard output (sonatas) and its instruments (organ, clavichord and harpsichord) in the Iberian peninsula




Anselmo Viola, Enlightenment, Classicism, Keyboard music, Sonata, organ, clavichord, harpsichord, Iberian Peninsula


The great ideal of Enlightenment were introduced in Spain with moderate intensity. The composer Anselm Viola (1738-1798) lived at that moment. He was composer, pedagog and monk of Montserrat Monastery of Catalonia (Spain). The corpus of his work introduced: Sonatas and specific music for organ; Studies for fagot; Magnificat and Messes for choir and orchestra. I would like to call your attention to Concert per baixó i orquestra, which is probabily, the only work for soloist and orchestra found in the Península Ibérica after the wars and lack intellectual interest in the musical heritage of Spain.


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How to Cite

Cortada i Noguero, M. L. (2018). Anselmo Viola (*1738; †1798) and his context. Keyboard output (sonatas) and its instruments (organ, clavichord and harpsichord) in the Iberian peninsula. Anuario Musical, (73), 187–192.


