Various fortune of a tone of comedians: “Love the one who loves, Anajarte” of The beast, the lightning, the stone




Calderón de la Barca, mythological drama, musical sources of spanish Golden Age theatre, contrafactum, ‘villancico’, ‘tono humano’, Miguel Gómez Camargo


The only musical source known to date of the Calderonian mythological drama La fiera, el rayo, la piedra corresponds to the intervention “Ama al que ama, Anajarte”, sung by Anteros at the moment when the god appears before the disdainful queen of Trinacria, at the end of the second act. Although the musical source is not without problems, its location and edition force us to consider the role that La fiera... played in the interaction between drama and music in the Spanish scene during the middle decade of the 17-th century. At the same time, the study of the song of Anteros gives us the opportunity to trace the circulation, diffusion and popularization of some theatrical baroque songs and its links with other repertoires, both religious and secular.


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How to Cite

Caballero Fernández-Rufete, C. (2018). Various fortune of a tone of comedians: “Love the one who loves, Anajarte” of The beast, the lightning, the stone. Anuario Musical, (73), 103–122.


