Music or Magic? The Presentation of Maurice Martenot Musical Waves in Spain


  • José Vicente Gil Noé Universitat de València



Musical instruments, electronics, waves, Martenot, ether, Andrés Gaos, music criticism


On 1928, the French musician Maurice Martenot presented at Paris Opera a new electronic musical instrument which he called musical waves. It had success like only a few and attracted the interest of the composers, Martenot strove to spread it with a initial tour that took it all around the world between 1931 and 1932. From the information given by the press –because there are not more references– this article aims to rebuild the presentation of the instrument in Spain all along 1932, to report about the reception by the review and to justify the mystery that involved the instrument because of its unknown electronic running and its performance only with the hands movement on the air.


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How to Cite

Gil Noé, J. V. (2015). Music or Magic? The Presentation of Maurice Martenot Musical Waves in Spain. Anuario Musical, (70), 131–142.


