The Catalan Pronunciation for Latin


  • Joan Grimalt i Santacana Escola superior de música de Catalunya



Latin, Catalan, Phonetics, Historical Grammar, Antoni Seva, Pronunciation


The article responds to the need of a Catalan standard pronunciation for Latin, which for several historical reasons could not be established so far in the Catalan speaking countries. It addresses above all singers and choral leaders who wish to pronounce correctly a Latin text while doing justice to the phonological Catalan system. After exposing the defi citary situation, and its possible causes, some former proposals are critically revised, as to why they do not satisfy the needs of Catalan-speaking choirs and soloists. Finally, after distinguishing the three basic cases with which a current interpreter is faced, when dealing with a Latin text, some suitable and useful solutions are presented and discussed. These are based on the works of Antoni SEVA (1994, 2011). The article closes with some tables to facilitate a quick and simple reference, and with the phonetic transcription of the Catholic Ordinarium, as a practical example.


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Brittain, Frederick, Latin in Church. The History of its Pronunciation. Cambridge University Press 1934.

Erasme de Rotterdam, De recta Latini Græcique sermonis pronuntiatione. París 1547, accessible en facsímil a

Herman, József, El latín vulgar. Ariel: Barcelona 1997.

Herrero, Víctor-José, La lengua latina en su aspecto prosódico. Gredos: Madrid 1971.

McGee, Timothy J., Singing Early Music: The Pronunciation of European Languages in the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance. Indiana University Press 2004.

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Seva, Antoni (dir.), Diccionari Llatí-Català. Diccionaris de l'Enciclopèdia: Barcelona 1993.




How to Cite

Grimalt i Santacana, J. (2015). The Catalan Pronunciation for Latin. Anuario Musical, (70), 17–26.


