The assimilation of krautrock in Spain: discoursive and musical analysis




Krautrock, music criticism, German music, music genre, electronic music, indie, pop-rock, Spanish music


Krautrock is a music category created in the 1970s in order to talk about a series of German bands such as Kraftwerk, Can, Neu!, Faust or Tangerine Dream. The clear stylistic differences among them have provoked a multi-layered vision of the genre, that changes according to the exemplars selected to define this category. In this article it will be analysed the way in which this genre was assimilated in Spain since its origins until today. In order to do that, a flexible approach about what constitutes our subject of study will be adopted. With this in mind, we will perform a discursive analysis of the music press and an interobjective analysis of the Spanish music associated to the genre, related to genres such as 1970s electronic music, techno pop, indie rock or neopsychedelia.


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How to Cite

Fellone, U. (2023). The assimilation of krautrock in Spain: discoursive and musical analysis. Anuario Musical, (78), 221–242.


