Basque People also Dance. Experimentation and Conflict Around Electronic Music in the Basque Country




Music, Dj, rave, subculture, bakalao, Basque Country, counterculture, electronic music, young cultures


This paper explores the scenes around electronic music in the Basque Country in relation with the alternative rock scenes. In fact, in the last fifty years, the Basque Country has witnessed major counterculture phenomena. In the 1990s, this countercultural identity and spaces were consolidated, which also originated a symbolic and aesthetic closure around rock music. Thus, the aesthetic experimentation generated some conflicts in these spaces. This paper explores the cultural experimentation around the margins of these contracultural framing and spaces, combining the analysis of interviews and that of the context. In fact, we analyze the Basque scenes around electronic music: from bakalao music of the 1990’s, to the Dj scenes in the 21st century.


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How to Cite

Amo Castro, I. A. del. (2019). Basque People also Dance. Experimentation and Conflict Around Electronic Music in the Basque Country. Anuario Musical, (74), 91–104.


